Sector models

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The sector models correspond to the south western parts of the geological domain. They are discretized by a 100 × 100 lateral grid with three different vertical resolutions of the Johansen formation:

  • Sector5: 5 layers in Johansen, 100 x 100 x 11 (
  • Sector10: 10 layers in Johansen, 100 x 100 x 16 (
  • Sector15: 15 layers in Johansen, 100 x 100 x 21 (

A sector model with heterogeneous rock properties in the Johansen formation is also provided:

  • NPD5: 5 layers in Johansen, 100x100x11 (

The shale (Dunlin) above Johansen is represented by 5 grid layers in all sector models. Similarly, there is one shale layer below Johansen in all sector models. The geometry files are offered as Eclipse input files (.grdecl).

Well positioning is given by cell indices used for each simulation grid. The well path intersects the Johansen formation vertically and traverses the midpoints of the grid cells.

The rates are constant during the injection period and is set to 1.4 · 104 m3/day at reservoir conditions.

The well data files contains the i-, and j-direction indices of the vertical column of perforated cells, then the start and end k-direction indices of the perforated interval.


Numerical simulation for research purposes.

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Data last updated May 2, 2022
Metadata last updated May 2, 2022
Created May 2, 2022
Data category 3.3.1 - Reservoir simulation models and associated data
Download format application/zip
Data format ECLIPSE
size19.3 MiB